Thursday, April 06, 2006

wrote a damn thing here two days ago and it's not here!

What's with this piece of crap website? I wrote something two days ago and it's not here! What did I do, accidently include some top secret governmet coded message or something? Of course I didn't keep a copy of it so it's GONE and I sure don't remember what I said, I was DRINKING for christskake! I mean sake. NO, not drinking SAKE! Yeah, okay, I was drinking CHRIST SAKE. JESUS SAKE. It's a brand name. HE is on the label, but he looks suspiciously Japanese. OKAY!?!?! so where did the damn thing go that I wrote? On someone elses BOG??? Blog??? Is there like one place where all the lost stuff goes? I want to subscribe to THAT motherfuck*r!

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