Thursday, April 06, 2006

this things broke!!!!

Now nothing that I write on here EVER appears on my THING, what's wrong, is it broke, or doesn't someone there like me??? THis isn'st run by people, though, right? It's automated, right?What's the problem with this piece of total crap?!?!? Like I have all day to just write stuff that's going off into space, or no, if it was going off into space that'd be good, actyualy, at least it'd be going SOMEWHERE! But this, writing stuff and having it go NOWHERE, into a VIRTUAL PAPER SHREDDER, if you will, it's worthless. Is someone there just laughing at me, or what. Is it some kind of EXPERIMENT to see how longs some idiot will just keep writing stuff that continues to disapprear, never EVER to go into his sorry PAGE, it just goes away, how long will this idiot continue to write stuff?
Happy Easter everyone!

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