Wednesday, April 05, 2006

answers to ALL of your problems!!!

I'm just going to put my html here for a little bit while I do somthing else. It's kind of hard trying to hold too many things in your mind, or you memory, or your edit button, so this is just temporary until I can get back to it: scott tt wht pc 4.75 T /scott tt wht pc 4.75 t/ rdy a/b liq soap 2.15 t/ rdy hlf&hlf 1.69 t / mallquist brwn *w* 1.99 f / rndy filters m*w* 3.23 t / merktz chz 48oz* 24.95 t \\\::::


Ray Speen said...

Hey, I was just seaching for people who might be as FOND of Merkz Cheese as I am, for, you know, the "munchies," and I came across your weblo! Outstanding!

Richard Skiller said...

I don't know what your talking about??? are you in Fon du lac?